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Friday, October 4, 2024

Book Review For The First Unibear by Kathleen J. Shields


Book Review For The First Unibear by Kathleen J. Shields

5 Stars: Acts Of Kindness and Lessons Learned!

This bear Adventure is “Enchanting”. Beautiful bright, colorful illustrations by Aashay Utkarsh will delight children. This enchanting story told by Award Winning Author Kathleen J. Shields inspires children as they join Bear on his adventurous day outside. Bear’s act of kindness and pure heart brings him face-to-face with a magical unicorn. Bear’s woodland friends do not believe his unicorn story at first. Many lessons will be learned, including acts of kindness naturally spread to others, even if it starts with ‘The First Unibear’.

I recommend this teaching kindness picture book for all young readers 4-10 years old. ‘The First Unibear’ should be placed in community, church, and school libraries. I hope this book finds its ways to those children confined to hospitals and homeless shelters. There is even a black and white coloring book to purchase so the magic can continue.

Editorial Review by Book Marketing Global Network:

Book Review For Here Today, Zombie Tomorrow by Connie Vines


Book Review For Here Today, Zombie Tomorrow by Connie Vines

5 Stars: Zombie Walk Festival!

Meredith Misso, best-selling author of Steampunk romance novels and an unwilling sponsor of the annual Zombie Walk Festival in Long Beach realizes the event has gone terribly wrong when she wakes up in a body bag.

Meredith withdraws to a cabin in the small mountain town of Forest Falls to complete her novel before Valentine’s Day. Becoming a zombie and dealing with the entire raised from the dead issues isn’t easy for her. Pippa, her sister, soon-to-be-ex-husband Viktor, cute teddy bear hamster along with a small circle of friends consume her days.

Victor, who is intense and undeniably sexy knocks on her door and infuses himself right back into her life. Meredith senses that while still driven by his work, he seems more intense than he had been in the past. Puzzled by his behavior, she searches for a way to tell him her secret.

I invite you to come follow Connie Vines’ sassy, fun fantasy series which is packed with adventure and romance in another realm. Whether you are a zombie groupie, or this is your first introduction to the zombie world like it was for me, you will get caught up in the fun characters and interesting story of the undead.

“Here Today, Zombie Tomorrow” by Connie Vines is a fun new series, novella in length, easy to read and entertaining.

Editorial Review by Book Marketing Global Network:


Thursday, October 3, 2024

5 Star Book Reviews For An Axe Of Iron Series by J. A. Hunsinger


5 Star Book Reviews For An Axe Of Iron Series by J. A. Hunsinger

The Settlers: Book One In An Axe of Iron Series:
5 Stars: The Viking ship called ‘Steed of the Sea’ sailing in the cold dark waters in the foreground of tall glaciers under a foreboding sky on the cover is just the beginning.

Whether you sat under the history lessons of Columbus discovering America or are more adventurous in your approach to history and have a yearning to know who was here when Columbus arrived and where did they come from, ‘The Settlers’ is a tale that should be on a mandatory reading list in all schools in order to provoke thought and discussion on native North America in the latter half of the tenth century. Scholars can’t agree but this tale offers a new perspective about America’s indigenous people, how they viewed explorers, handled settlers and coexisted on a bountiful body of land with all its beauty and treacherous environment.

It is important to read the ‘Author’s Note’, ‘Historical Perspective’ and the ‘Glossary Of Norse Terms’ provided by the author to educate the reader. In the Author’s Note you will meet Gudbjartur Einarsson who is an Icelander, a Northman or Norseman who is second in command under Halfdan Ingolfsson. Chapter one unfolds six wooden ships carrying 163 Greenlanders and 152 Icelanders (including men, women and children) set sail with horses, cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, equipment (tents and parts to horse drawn carts) and supplies to explore areas of what they call Vinland (North America).

Exhaustive research, realistic characters garbed in functional layers residing in a true to life story line that allows the reader to experience the sea voyage and land exploration with exquisite writing that creates a sense of being present in the story even when this first book in ‘An Axe Of Iron Novel’ series has been closed on a night stand.

Here’s a few of my favorite quotes from the book:

“He whistled tunelessly to himself, the notes blown away on the wind. His eyes darted over the sea ahead and aloft at the trim of the sail and rigging. The heart of the ship pulsed through the soles of his feet, vibrated up through the steering oar and the palms of his hands, an inaudible hum that told him all was well in his world.”

“Wind driven rain stung exposed skin like bees protecting their hive.”

“Several kettles of whale blubber boiled over individual fires on the beach to render the valuable oil. The thick, rich oil skimmed of the connective tissue – the crunchy fried meat and curled pieces of skin were a delicacy-had many uses. It was a valuable food source, preservative, and lamp fuel.”

…After the journey across treacherous seas land was a welcome sight with all of its wild game like “Grunting herds of Reindeer” not to mention the predators like wolves and bears. Women and children scour rocky cliffs for seabird eggs to add to their food supply giving the kids some stress relieving egg throwing activity.

…Unforeseen and inevitable injuries, herbal treatments, Viking burial ceremony amidst deep held Christian beliefs.

…Attraction and a “bed of soft, furry skins nestled in the scrub brush, well protected from the north wind’. Passion, “eyes smoldered with lust” hands explore, tongues probe, “locked bodies swayed in the throes of passion”.

…Hunting and cooking for survival, sewing for protective covering, animal pelts and jewelry making for trade commodity. The best and the worst of human nature revealed in a hostile new world.

…Now heading into the reading of ‘Confrontation: An Axe Of Iron Novel’ book two of the series gives clarity as to the sequence of history, characters and events that readers should follow in order to understand and digest the fiction history which is laid out in great detail, humanity and historical correlation regarding much debated events.

…The Settlers – An Axe of Iron Novel book one is the fictional historical accounting of exploration and settlement of Vinland (North America).

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).


Confrontation: Book Two In An Axe of Iron Series:
5 Stars: This character driven, action packed historical fiction saga continues from ‘The Settlers: An Axe Of Iron Novel’ where 163 Greenlanders and 152 Icelanders (including men, women and children) set sail with horses, cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, equipment ( tents and parts to horse drawn carts) and supplies to explore areas of what they call Vinland (North America).

Confrontation – An Axe Of Iron Novel cover with the Viking battle axe reflecting warriors gives us the first clue regarding the brutal facts of survival and desperate measures taken by men to protect their women, children and settlement with blood sweat and tears. Author J. A. Hunsinger has provided an in-depth ‘Glossary of Norse Terms’ and ‘Native Terms’ to help readers understand the people and culture.

…Settling into a new land will prove challenging when the indigenous tribes who have a distaste for any fair skinned men due to those who cheated them in trade, abused them and killed their tribesmen in the past. Apart from expected interaction with the variety of native cultures, life in the new settlement is forced into daily and seasonal routines out of necessity.

…Halfdan Ingolfsson and Gudbjartur Einarsson (his second in command) walk the settlement commons overseeing the duties pertaining to survival like the grueling process of filling the Kiln (furnace) with dry birch wood, burning the wood until only charcoal is left and then storing this precious commodity under the shed roof to be used for heat and cooking during the harsh winter months.

…Children in the settlement (especially the boys) had to earn their place in their family and settlement by moving from boyhood into manhood by demonstrating skills taught and mirrored to them by their fathers, brothers, cousins and other men around them. Skills like hunting which was the core of survival. Unfortunately, dangers exist when dealing with wild animals like a Bull Moose protecting his territory, cow and calf. Death can be mercifully quick and brutal. The burial ceremony, reverence for even the youngest hunter/warrior, tradition and spirituality (Gods Will) play a role for the dead and those who remain.

…Seasons marked by the moon predict work, trade, play, marriage and birth. I quote Bjorn “as a pleasant smile curved his lips”. “Yes, it is time I thought of a mate. Another long winter comes and company in my bed would be welcome. Perhaps this is the one (as he recalls the tall blonde woman)”.

…Confrontation is inevitable, warriors’ attack, prisoners taken, injuries sustained, spoils of battles and questions about their ability to live in peace brings us to the anticipation of the third book in An Axe Of Iron Series titled “Assimilation”.

J. A. Hunsinger’s series ‘An Axe Of Iron’ has been exhaustively researched and parallel the actually events as close as a historical fiction can. I recommend this series to both men and women and suggest that the series be placed on a high school/college reading list.

This reviewer is looking forward to ‘Assimilation – An Axe Of Iron Novel’ which is the third book in the series.

Confrontation: An Axe of Iron Novel by J. A. Hunsinger’s book two is the fictional historical accounting of exploration and settlement of Vinland (North America).

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).


Assimilation: Book Three In An Axe of Iron Series:
5 Stars: Assimilation is the final novel in the Axe of Iron series by J. A. Hunsinger. The author asks that you read or reread the ‘Historical Perspective’ that is located in ‘The Settlers’ which is the first volume in this series. The author’s research into the historical time frame and authentic pre-historical Indian names is irrefutable. The ‘Historical Perspective’ goes into the whole concept of the Norse sagas. Even though each book stands alone, as a reader who has enjoyed the entire series, I encourage you to purchase all three books.

As the author states in his book’s description, the first two books in this series (The Settlers and Confrontation) “dealt with the plight of the Greenland Viking settlers”.

Assimilation begins with a map showing where the settlements are and opens with two Naskapi warriors hidden from view, surveying the river valley below. The saga continues with descriptive writing that puts you the reader on the ground experiencing the mysteries of the Viking period. Smell the earth and lush dense forests, travel the routes carved out of the land by natives and take up residence in the villages and experience the hardships of this pre-historical land that we now call the Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes of Canada and the US.

…Eavesdrop on Nipishish and Ingerd as they lay in each other’s arms, engaged in whispered conversation like couples do.

…Join warriors in their canoes as they glide in the chill of pre-dawn morning heading toward the Haudenosaunee Village.

…Stand at the rail of a Viking ship called Steed of the Sea and feel the motion of the sea as the ship heads towards a distant beach.

…After the storm, the Norse society dries out and attends to the damage that Njord and Thor (the gods of weather) have forced upon them. Catch a glimpse of the smoke that curls into the calm skies over the cook fires where fish, meat and stew aroma awaits the barley bread and other leftovers that will nourish the community and reward the daily chores.

…Reconnect with the characters that you have come to know like Halfdan, his dog Fang, Tostig, and experience the council meetings where men discuss their destiny, when in reality it is the gods like the “mighty Thor” who have the final say.

…Strong women who cook and weave on looms by the light of seal oil lamps, teach their girls to spin fibers of wool into skeins of thread, care for the children and their men with tenderness in a world where both beauty and harshness intertwine. Communities where communication and yes even gossip are the norm, and where the outsider might find rest if assimilation is acquired.

…Drumbeats of war are as common as the moon rising over the snow, so too are the tracks of snowshoes where the trappers are as important as the warriors for a civilization that exists within a fine balance between preservation and extinction. Here is a quote: “Nipishish, Kejo, and Lothar returned to their village as quickly as possible after the parley with Nesatin. Word spread faster than normal through the Nitassinan that the Anishinabeg had rejected Sachem’s peace offering regarding the people of Haldansfjord.”

I invite you to read Assimilation and discover for yourself where the legend of the Death Wind came from and what it meant for the earliest American colonies. Enjoy the detailed glossary at the end of this book which will help you understand the authentic names and terms used in this book series.

Let me take this moment to thank Author J. A. Hunsinger for his time, research and engaging storytelling that has made An Axe of Iron series possible. I sincerely hope that he will continue to write as some storytellers have one story to tell, others have infinite stories that need to be told and preserved for generations to come. The Axe of Iron novels are one of those series that time will not forget.

Assimilation: An Axe of Iron Novel by J. A. Hunsinger is book three in the fictional historical accounting of exploration and settlement of Vinland (North America).

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).


Editorial Book Reviews For An Axe Of Iron Series by J. A. Hunsinger:

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Book Review For Steel, Blood & Fire by Allan Batchelder


Book Review For Steel, Blood & Fire by Allan Batchelder

Immortal Treachery Book 1.

Are you a fan of: Grimdark, Joe Abercrombie’s First Law series, Steven Erikson’s The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Glen Cook’s Chronicles of the Black Company, or Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicle? If so, grab your copy of Steel, Blood & Fire now!

5 Stars: This book has a very well thought out plot engaging the reader in unexpected twists and turns including love stories and epic battle scenes involving twenty-four well developed characters.

Steel, Blood & Fires opens with unspeakable violence as Tarmun Vykers, A.K.A, “the Reaper” a legendary warrior is in the stocks (in bonds, under guard). One must be warned that this is a work of dark fantasy, horror and mythology with adult language and graphic violence.

Author Allan Batchelder has done very well laying out this book with easy-to-follow headings (much like the way a play production might be laid out). The story pivots back and forth from what is happening with his main characters: the legendary warrior named Tarmun Vykers, Aoife Cestroenyn (An A’Shea or “Mender,” sister of Anders), D’Kem (a washed up Burner), Janks & Company, Long, A.K.A, Long Pete, Spirk Nessno (An idiot and friend to Long), Anders Cestroenyn (the self-proclaimed “End-of-All-Things) and Arune (A spectral Burner who shares Vykers’ body).

I would like to share a quote from this book that will help draw you in without spoiling the story. This quote come from one of the chapter four headings titled ‘The End, On the March’.

…“After seeing his general off, Anders climbed a small hillock and surveyed his host. What they lacked in training and skill, they more than made up for in numbers and ferocity. Either his magic had worked especially well upon his unwilling draftees, or humans were all more savage than they cared to admit. Looking out upon them, he saw them huddled in large, teeming masses around myriad bonfires. They were always ravenous for food, of course, but also for sex and violence. The End-of-All-Things would be happy to destroy them all, once they had served their purpose.

…Pivoting to his left, he held out his arms and a slave laid the infant into them. It was a funny looking thing, this child. And would get funnier still, by the time Anders was through with it. He had decided, after some thought, that it was time he created something for a change. He would be the end of all things presently in existence, but this child would be the first of his new race, beings made specially to serve and obey him. Worship would not be required, as he felt he would probably kill large numbers of them whenever he got bored. Perhaps he should also create a competing race and pit them against one another!”

A must read for those who want to remain on the edge of your seat.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network):

Book Review For The Lady and The Pirate by Bernadette Rowley


Book Review For The Lady and The Pirate by Bernadette Rowley

An Epic Fantasy Romance Novel.

Queenmakers Saga Series Book Six.

5 Stars: Unlikely Lovers, Saved by Desire!

Amazing story telling by Bernadette Rowley brings the reader into Lady Esta Aranati’s double life.

I think you will benefit from the meaning of these two terms upfront. Lenweri (the elven people, they have dark skin, pointed ears and are tall and elegant) and Sis Lenweri (the faction of dark elves that wishes to take over the kingdom of Thorius).

Chapter one opens with some suspense aboard the ‘Sea Sprite’ when captain, Lady Esta Aranti’s first mate wakes her up from deep sleep to inform her they have a visitor on board. I quote: “Esta drew a deep and heavy sigh, her heart kicking up a notch as she contemplated who the visitor might be. On a ship mile out to sea at night, there were few possibilities and none of them good.”

In chapter three the mood shifts and I quote:

…Esta moved to the bow and stood with the wind in her face, the black strands of her wig streaming behind her. It was chill but not wet and she reveled in the dance of her ship over the waves. Sea Sprite was one of the joys of her life and sailing one of her great loves. When she was on the ocean, she was free of earthly ties and a little of its wildness seeped into her, giving her strength for the trials of estate life. Lately, she had found it almost impossible to return to the estate without a nagging sense of dread.

…You seem almost happy tonight, sister,” Katrine said, joining her in the bow. Katrine was wildness personified, with a lithe body and long black hair that she rarely tied back. Not for her the wig as she had less need for a full disguise, shunning public life as she did. She wore leather breeches, flowing black shirts and a broad black satin mask decorated with stars. Her piercing blue eyes were now fixed on Esta.

…I am happy, Katrine,” Esta said. “What makes you think I am ever unhappy?

I invite you to join Katrine and Esta as they sail the sea with visions of finding treasure on their minds.

I hope the quotes above whet your appetite for strong female characters, rugged men, pirates, treasure maps, adventure, sword and sorcery and of course romance. All eight books in the Queenmakers series stands-alone, so jump right into the fantasy world of Author Bernadette Rowley.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network):

Monday, September 30, 2024

Author Kathryn Lane


Author Kathryn Lane!

Best Known For Her Nikki Garcia Mystery (6 Book) Series.

Stand-Alone Books:
…Backyard Volcano
…Stolen Diary

View Available Books In Print, E-Books & Audio Books At Book Marketing Global Network:

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Author Ellwyn Autumn


Children’s Author Ellwyn Autumn!

Book Feature: A Fish Named Fancy

Children's Marine Life Books

Reading Age: 3-8 Years

View In Print & E-Book At Book Marketing Global Network:

Friday, September 27, 2024

Editorial Book Review For The Sitcom Murders 1 by Nicholas Victor (aka Nick Iuppa)


Editorial Book Review For The Sitcom Murders 1 by Nicholas Victor (aka Nick Iuppa)

5 Stars: Dark Comedy About The Sexy Sixties!

This first installment of The Sitcom Murders is a dark comedy about a sexy sixties TV character who suddenly realizes that her TV show has become a horror story and she just might be the first victim.

Lacy Livingood, the TV heroine, is home alone when a madman suddenly begins breaking down her kitchen door. Terrified by his hideous stocking mask and threats of rape and murder, Lacy beats him off with a frying pan, then rushes to her car and drives across LA to find the show’s writer. She’s not sure what to expect, but aging screenwriter Billy Edelman explains it all.

“Ya know, for a girl half the world thinks is brilliant, you’re a little slow on the uptick,” Billy answered. “You and Johnny and Ronnie are characters, in a sitcom, a very popular one fifty years ago. Look at this.” And with that Edelman clicked a link and entered eBay. He typed in “Lacy Livingood” and pages and pages of Lacy Livingood memorabilia confronted him: autographed photos, scripts from the show, clothes she had worn.

“But our show’s not on anymore,” Lacy whispered.

“People’re always lookin’ for somethin’ fresh,” Billy answered. “If not new characters, at least old characters in new stories. And that’s what I’ve given them.”

“So now I’m the main character in a horror story,” Lacy said at last. “Okay. But if I have to be in this show of yours, at least teach me how to defend myself. You can do that much for me can’t you?”

And Billy could; in fact, he could help Lacy learn to enjoy murder as much as his villains… but with dire consequences.

Author Nicholas Victor (aka Nick Iuppa) has given us something never seen before, a TV sitcom character who actively conspires with her show’s living writer to defeat the bad guys. There is a fine line between reality and fiction, TV characters and real people, self-preservation and blood lust. And sexy Lacy finds herself right at the crossroads of everything and loving it.

If you enjoy dark humor, pick up a copy of The Sitcom Murders I – SEXY SIXTIES SUBURBIA. I’m sure you will enjoy the read and find yourself looking forward to the next installment. (A preview of The Sitcom Murders II: SEVENTIES NEWSROOM is available as part of the first book).

I think you’ll find yourself as curious as I am about where the author will go with this new series…and just who Lacy Livingood will murder next.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network):

Editorial Book Review For Bounty Hunter Nate Landry-Major Issues by Mark L. Redmond


Editorial Book Review For Bounty Hunter Nate Landry-Major Issues by Mark L. Redmond

Book 1: Bounty Hunter Nate Landry.

5 Stars: The Language Of A Six-Shooter!

Author Mark L. Redmond is a western action-adventure writer, who takes his readers back to the old wild west in 1877, where campfire coffee is strong, and everyone knows the language of a six-shooter.

Chapter One of Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Major Issues opens in Florence, Arizona, when Bounty Hunter Nate Landry returns home to find Anna Thomas waiting in his cabin with her pistol aimed straight at him. Anna is a mother on a mission to recover her kidnapped son Daniel.

The adventure unfolds as Nate and his trusted companion Wolf, accompanied by Anna, begin their search for Daniel Thomas.

Here is a quote from Chapter Six, as Nate, Wolf, and Anna go in search of bad man Major Campbell.

…We rode in silence for nearly an hour, letting the horses run awhile in the coolness of the morning. I was praying and watching. One of the things that made Campbell so dangerous was the fact that he was unpredictable. He had often succeeded in defeating the rebs by making moves that no other officer would have considered. He had never cared about sacrificing the lives of his men. Most of the time, the insanity of his tactics had protected his soldiers. He had favored the element of surprise, and he had known how to make it work in his favor. I reckoned Campbell hadn’t changed.

…I considered the matter of what to tell Anna about Campbell and how we had met David. We had no idea of what she already knew about this devil who had murdered her husband and stolen her son. And then she told us. “We named him after you,” Anna said.

…I looked at her, but she stared straight ahead. “Daniel Nathan Thomas,” she said. “David wanted to name our son after you. He said you and Wolf had saved his life. He was wounded and came home a year before the war ended.

…He told me about what happened to the other men who were captured with him. He always believed that God had spared him so that he could take care of me—”

…Anna began to cry softly.

… “I’d like to kill Campbell very slowly,” Wolf said.

… “I reckon he’d do the same to us if he got the chance,” I said.

… “If and when he finds out who we are,” Wolf said, “he’ll come after us. We have the edge right now because we know who he is. All he knows about us is that we’re two riders escorting Mrs. Thomas.”

If you need a change of pace, miss the old, wholesome western stories, and appreciate mid-western Christian values, Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Major Issues should be your next read. Author Mark L. Redmond has two western books for “grownups” and six westerns in his Adventures of Arty Anderson series, geared for middle grade readers.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network): http://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/mark-l-redmond

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Book Review For Kepler’s Son by Geoff Nelder


Book Review For Kepler’s Son by Geoff Nelder!

Book 3: The Flying Crooked Series.

5-Stars: Adah is different in most respects from human boys.

‘Kepler’s Son’ in ‘The Flying Crooked’ series by Geoff Nelder is finally here. Let’s recap.

In ‘Suppose We’ (book one) a spaceship crash-lands on a faraway planet, but the natives are so far ahead of Earth they ignore the human crew.

In ‘Falling Up’ (book two) Em is captured by an alien artificial intelligence that had attacked the Kepler-20h system.

Now in‘Kepler’s Son’ (book three) our heroes’ ace trick of splicing human genes with nasty bacteria to help the natives has backfired leaving the planet in danger of being overrun by squidgy, rapidly-evolving mind-hive creatures.

The Artificial Intelligence CAN reports after arranging with Kep flitters to reprogram all the ‘essential’ communication and science satellites that danced in whirls and lurches after being deserted by their home Kepler-20h planet. Problem: none of the 125 satellites have sufficient fuel to travel far. Solution: We’ve cannibalised some to create a huge solar cell array to supplement slow but steady ion drives to make their way. Where to? We didn’t know for days, but perturbations in the inner-planet orbits revealed the probable location and I found a weak signal from a beacon. Streaming now to update and sync. Bad news: intense radiation needs guarding against. Date: Earth February 19th 3664 Kepler New 6976 days.

A census is conducted by me because none counts better than I. All data refer to beings on this planet Kepler-20h. All beings possess a biometric signature whether they know it or not.

  • Indigenous population known to humans as keps: 137, 328 (data from their archives indicate a mass migration to other planets 21 years ago).
  • Indigenous population known to humans as trogs: 2,675,177 (NB very few live on the surface).
  • Humans from Earth: 2 (Science Officer Gaston Poirier, Navigator Em Farrer).
  • Human-forms with tripartite genetic code: 1 (Adah with DNA from two humans and one kep).
  • Human-forms with pure human DNA via cloning engineering using original crew members plus genetic material brought from Earth: 217.
  • Keeps – engineered human plus indigenous bacteria: 2,538,824.

In Chapter Twenty-Seven: Em was always the one who put herself out, travelling for days over unknown landscapes with only Kep1 and a trio of flitters for company just to hug her son. Gaston wasn’t Adah’s father, at least not in the traditional sense. The kep biologists had sampled his DNA and explained how most of it was human and some from the kep rapist and it’s the latter that had made him so different in most respects from human boys. His translucent skin: telepathic abilities the limitations of which he’d yet to discover except that it only worked with keps and keeps; and his ability to solidify his imaginary friends. Very scary and completely mysterious. At least his mother and father—the Gaston fraction—were now safe on the kep’s secret corona station. Hiding it inside a sun.

I enjoyed reading ‘Kepler’s Son’ and I invite you to read ‘The Flying Crooked’ series. Author Geoff Nelder takes his readers on a spectacular 5-Star Science Fiction (Action and Adventure). You will want to catch up before ‘Vanished Earth’ (book four) arrives. What’s happened to the humans’ home planet? Assuming Earth is our home planet. In book 4 of the Flying Crooked series of hard science fiction novellas, we find Earth, or so we think, but like the butterfly it’s changed.

Geoff Nelder lives in rural England within an easy cycle ride of the Welsh mountains. Publications include several non-fiction books on climate reflecting his other persona as a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society; over 90 published short stories in various magazines and anthologies; thriller, humour, science fiction, and fantasy novels.

Editorial Review by Book Marketing Global Network: https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/geoff-nelder


Book Review For High Flying by Kaylin McFarren


Book Review For High Flying by Kaylin McFarren!

5 Stars: Skylar Haines has a decision to make.

High Flying is a suspense thriller, action drama that takes the reader into the life of Skylar Haines.

If you have ever known someone who struggles with mental illness (or perhaps struggle yourself) you understand the dangers associated with inadequate coping skills that lead people to do dangerous acts that affect them and those around them. This book will stir compassion for the main character, Skylar Haines.

Although High Flying is fiction, the author draws on years of writing experience, strong characters and detailed research to deliver a very compelling story. Time and space are elusive, and family history has inherited chains.

I love this quote from the author: “In the beginning, God created man, but things didn’t get interesting until man created the airplane and a strong-minded woman to fly it.”

Throughout the book the author uses quotes that are thought provoking and leads into each chapter.

With some creative latitude that author brings her main character, Skylar Haines to a point of decision. Having read the authors Threads Series, I am looking am looking forward to where Kaylin McFarren will take us (readers) on down the road.

Editorial Review by Book Marketing Global Network:

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Author David W. Thompson


Southern Maryland Author David W. Thompson!
2024 Release: Mystery At Love’s Manor
…1) Sister Witch
…2) His Father’s Blood
…3) Sons and Brothers
…Call Of The Falconer
…Haunted Southern Maryland
…Haunted Potomac River Valley
Short Stories:
…My Name Is Samantha
…’Possum Stew
View David’s Books At Book Marketing Global Network:

Friday, September 20, 2024

Author J. A. Hunsinger


Colorado Author J. A. Hunsinger!

An Axe Of Iron (Historical Fiction) Series:

…The Settlers: An Axe of Iron Novel.
…Confrontation: An Axe of Iron Novel.
…Assimilation: An Axe of Iron Novel.

Available In Print and E-Books At Book Marketing Global Network:

Author Phyllis Hunsinger


Colorado Author Phyllis Hunsinger!

Retired Math Teacher, Middle School, and High School Principal.

Book: Down and Dirty: A "how to" Math Book Spiral-Bound.

Order from Phyllis, Vinland Publishing.

We Are Proud To Host Phyllis Hunsinger’s Book.

Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network:

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Author Charles E Yallowitz


New York Author Charles E. Yallowitz!

Enjoy The ‘War Of Nytefall’ Vampire Series!

…5 Stars: Windemere Is Back!

Enjoy The ‘Legends of Windemere’ Series!

…Epic Fantasy (Magic, Sword & Sorcery).

…For Teens, College Age & Adults.

Available In Print & E-Books At Book Marketing Global Network:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Author Nick Iuppa

Award Winning Multi-Genre Novels!

Author Nick Iuppa & Author John Pesqueira

Newest Book: Species II by Nick Iuppa.

View All Their Books At Book Marketing Global Network:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Author Jay Dubya


Author Jay Dubya (John Wiessner)!
Prolific 5-Star Author.
Over 50 Books (Multiple Genres).
Available In Print & E-Books At Book Marketing Global Network.
Author’s Page:

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Author Janice (J. E.) Spina


‘Jems Books’ by Author Janice Spina
Reading Gives You Wings To Fly!

Abby & Holly Book Series:
Tweens, Teens & YA

Branyrd The Angel Series:
Reading Age: ‎15-Adults

Children’s Classic Literature:
Pre-School to Grade Three

Davey & Derek Junior Detectives Series:
Middle-Grade/Teens/Young Adults

Drystan The Dragon and Friends Series:
Preschool-Grade 3

‘Gateskin Chronicles’ Series:
Fantasy Series for Ages 13-17+

Hunting Mariah Crime Mystery Series:
Middle-Grade/Teens/Young Adult

Make Believe Is Fun Bedtime Series:
Bedtime Stories for Children (Age 5-8)

The First Star:
Children’s Book

Two Special Book Collections:
For Ages 18+

Available In Print and E-Book At Book Marketing Global Network.

Author’s Page: https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/janice-j-e-spina

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Books To Go Now


Books To Go Now!

Traditional Publishing.

Accepting Submissions:
…Mystery & Suspense
…New Adult
…Anthologies/Group Projects
…Christmas Submissions

Service Page At Book Marketing Global Network:

Author Chris Karlsen


Author Chris Karlsen Is Internationally Published!

Chris Uses The Places She Has Traveled As Settings For Her Books.
She Enjoys Letting Her Characters Experience The Same Excitement She Felt While Adding The History And Culture Of Each Town Or Country.

Chris Publishes Historical Romance and Historical Suspense Thrillers.

Her Series Now Include:
…Knights in Time Series
…The Bloodstone Series
…Love & War Series
…Dark Water Series
…Choosing Home or Heart: Holiday Short Story Selection

Her Novels Are Available In Digital, E-book, Android App, Paperback, And Audio Format.

Some Books Are Presented In Foreign Language Format.

Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network.

Author Margarita Felices


Author Margarita Felices!

Location: Cardiff (Capital of Wales)

Judgement Of Souls Trilogy:
…Kiss At Dawn
…The Call Of The Righteous

Fed up of the same old vampire stories?
This is a different kind of vampire story.
It’s been scripted for a future movie.
This is a story about blood and revenge.
You've never read vamps like these.

Available In Print, E-Book & Audio Book At Book Marketing Global Network.

Author’s Page:

Author Jennifer Conner


Seattle Author Jennifer Conner!

Owner of ‘Books To Go Now’
Traditional Publishing

Featured Book:
…The Mac Brothers: Seaside Escape
Contemporary Romance

Available In Print, E-Book & Audio Book At Book Marketing Global Network.

Author’s Page:

Friday, September 13, 2024

Author Sandra Sperling


Award-Winning Author Sandra Sperling!
Writes With Flair and Humor!

2024 Book Release: ‘Control’.

More Books:
…The Stash: Contemporary Family Suspense Drama
…Elisabet’s Will: Fiction (Contemporary Family Saga)
…A Few Trivial Felonies: Humor and Satire
…Snowmelt: Dealing With Betrayal-Thriller Suspense
…The Beginner's Guide to Spouse Removal: Fiction (Women-Divorce)

View All Sandra’s Books At Book Marketing Global Network:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Romance Novel Covers Now


Romance Novel Covers Now!

Reasonably Priced!

Service Page At Book Marketing Global Network:

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Author Geoff Nelder


Author Geoff Nelder!

Science Fiction As It Should Be...

The Flying Crooked Series:
…Book One: Suppose We
…Book Two: Falling Up
…Book Three: Kepler's Son
…Book Four: Vanished Earth
…Book Five: Opi's World

More Books:
…ARIA Trilogy
…7 Stand-Alone Fantasy Books

Available At Book Marketing Global Network: