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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Book Review For Kepler’s Son by Geoff Nelder


Book Review For Kepler’s Son by Geoff Nelder!

Book 3: The Flying Crooked Series.

5-Stars: Adah is different in most respects from human boys.

‘Kepler’s Son’ in ‘The Flying Crooked’ series by Geoff Nelder is finally here. Let’s recap.

In ‘Suppose We’ (book one) a spaceship crash-lands on a faraway planet, but the natives are so far ahead of Earth they ignore the human crew.

In ‘Falling Up’ (book two) Em is captured by an alien artificial intelligence that had attacked the Kepler-20h system.

Now in‘Kepler’s Son’ (book three) our heroes’ ace trick of splicing human genes with nasty bacteria to help the natives has backfired leaving the planet in danger of being overrun by squidgy, rapidly-evolving mind-hive creatures.

The Artificial Intelligence CAN reports after arranging with Kep flitters to reprogram all the ‘essential’ communication and science satellites that danced in whirls and lurches after being deserted by their home Kepler-20h planet. Problem: none of the 125 satellites have sufficient fuel to travel far. Solution: We’ve cannibalised some to create a huge solar cell array to supplement slow but steady ion drives to make their way. Where to? We didn’t know for days, but perturbations in the inner-planet orbits revealed the probable location and I found a weak signal from a beacon. Streaming now to update and sync. Bad news: intense radiation needs guarding against. Date: Earth February 19th 3664 Kepler New 6976 days.

A census is conducted by me because none counts better than I. All data refer to beings on this planet Kepler-20h. All beings possess a biometric signature whether they know it or not.

  • Indigenous population known to humans as keps: 137, 328 (data from their archives indicate a mass migration to other planets 21 years ago).
  • Indigenous population known to humans as trogs: 2,675,177 (NB very few live on the surface).
  • Humans from Earth: 2 (Science Officer Gaston Poirier, Navigator Em Farrer).
  • Human-forms with tripartite genetic code: 1 (Adah with DNA from two humans and one kep).
  • Human-forms with pure human DNA via cloning engineering using original crew members plus genetic material brought from Earth: 217.
  • Keeps – engineered human plus indigenous bacteria: 2,538,824.

In Chapter Twenty-Seven: Em was always the one who put herself out, travelling for days over unknown landscapes with only Kep1 and a trio of flitters for company just to hug her son. Gaston wasn’t Adah’s father, at least not in the traditional sense. The kep biologists had sampled his DNA and explained how most of it was human and some from the kep rapist and it’s the latter that had made him so different in most respects from human boys. His translucent skin: telepathic abilities the limitations of which he’d yet to discover except that it only worked with keps and keeps; and his ability to solidify his imaginary friends. Very scary and completely mysterious. At least his mother and father—the Gaston fraction—were now safe on the kep’s secret corona station. Hiding it inside a sun.

I enjoyed reading ‘Kepler’s Son’ and I invite you to read ‘The Flying Crooked’ series. Author Geoff Nelder takes his readers on a spectacular 5-Star Science Fiction (Action and Adventure). You will want to catch up before ‘Vanished Earth’ (book four) arrives. What’s happened to the humans’ home planet? Assuming Earth is our home planet. In book 4 of the Flying Crooked series of hard science fiction novellas, we find Earth, or so we think, but like the butterfly it’s changed.

Geoff Nelder lives in rural England within an easy cycle ride of the Welsh mountains. Publications include several non-fiction books on climate reflecting his other persona as a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society; over 90 published short stories in various magazines and anthologies; thriller, humour, science fiction, and fantasy novels.

Editorial Review by Book Marketing Global Network: https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/geoff-nelder


Book Review For High Flying by Kaylin McFarren


Book Review For High Flying by Kaylin McFarren!

5 Stars: Skylar Haines has a decision to make.

High Flying is a suspense thriller, action drama that takes the reader into the life of Skylar Haines.

If you have ever known someone who struggles with mental illness (or perhaps struggle yourself) you understand the dangers associated with inadequate coping skills that lead people to do dangerous acts that affect them and those around them. This book will stir compassion for the main character, Skylar Haines.

Although High Flying is fiction, the author draws on years of writing experience, strong characters and detailed research to deliver a very compelling story. Time and space are elusive, and family history has inherited chains.

I love this quote from the author: “In the beginning, God created man, but things didn’t get interesting until man created the airplane and a strong-minded woman to fly it.”

Throughout the book the author uses quotes that are thought provoking and leads into each chapter.

With some creative latitude that author brings her main character, Skylar Haines to a point of decision. Having read the authors Threads Series, I am looking am looking forward to where Kaylin McFarren will take us (readers) on down the road.

Editorial Review by Book Marketing Global Network: